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7 Unconventional Ways to Reduce & Reuse Water

Water is a precious commodity that most of us take for granted. However, there are many places in the world where clean water isn’t available. Between contamination and waste, the world’s water supply is being threatened. Making a few simple changes around the house can help reduce water waste and keep this important resource from becoming scarce.

Photo: Dan4th Nicholas

1. Wash Food in Pots

How much water goes down the drain every time you wash vegetables or fruit? Instead of rinsing your food under a running faucet, fill up a pot of water and scrub everything you need for a meal all at once. This keeps excess water from going down the drain, plus you can use what’s left to give your houseplants a drink.

2. Recycle Cooking Water

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3. Chill Drinking Water

Every time you go for a glass of cold water, you have to run the tap to get it to just the right temperature. Instead of standing around waiting while water disappears down the sink, keep a jug or pitcher pre-chilled in the fridge so you always have a cool drink on hand.

4. Use Less Ice

Think about how much of the cup or glass is filled with ice when you buy a drink at a restaurant. Most of the time, that ice gets left behind and thrown away. Many people don’t consider how much water this wastes. Asking for less ice with your drink order or taking less at the soda fountain cuts down on what gets dumped in the trash or down the sink.

5. Lather Up Less

While it’s nice to step in the shower and soap up until you’re floating away on the bubbles, it takes a lot of water to rinse off that rich lather. Shorten your showers by using less soap and shampoo, and you’ll save time as well as water.

6. Maximise Washer Loads

Running the clothes washer or dishwasher for partial loads uses just as much energy as a full load. Even if you have an environmentally friendly model, it’s better to wait until the machine is at its maximum capacity. If you can’t wait, make sure to adjust the water level so that it matches the size of the load as closely as possible.

7. Take Advantage of Rain

Water runs through your gutters and out the drainpipe every time it rains. Sticking a barrel at the bottom of the downspout makes it easy to collect a renewable source of water that can be used on your lawn, garden or houseplants. Depending on how much it rains, this simple trick could save several thousand gallons of water per year.


For businesses, the question is how to adapt to new environmental regulations around water pollution and comply quickly without incurring too much expense. There are water treatment companies, like LaganWater.com who can provide the service for a fee. Given the potential fines if guidelines are ignored, outsourcing to a specialist makes a lot of sense.

Going beyond the obvious low-flush toilets and controlled flow showerheads to save water is easy when you take a look around the house and see the simple things you can do to reduce waste every day. Taking steps to make your home more water-friendly helps preserve this precious commodity for future generations around the world.
