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2013 Desal Year in Review: Reuse

Water reclamation and reuse was a hot topic again in 2013. San Diego’s protracted evaluation of reuse continued as its city council approved a demonstration study report and requested a timeline to implement a project [17], and a coalition of municipalities and districts joined together to advocate for development of a large-scale project [37].

A renewed interest in direct potable reuse (DPR) led the WateReuse Research Foundation to launch a DPR initiative to raise $6 million to support applied research, education and outreach activities [12], while the WateReuse Association began assembling guidelines to assist regulators considering such a program [17] and released a report which examined the criteria for DPR [23].

Meanwhile, Texas installed a ‘direct blend’ reuse project in Big Spring in which tertiary effluent is reclaimed through MF/RO and UV and blended directly into a raw water transmission line that supplies the Big Spring Water Treatment Plant [11].
